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Fire Risk Assessments Manchester

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Our Fire Consultants are (M.I.Fire.E) Membership Grade of the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE).

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Risk Assessor Manchester

Why should I use Wyvern Fire Safety Solutions?

Wyvern has been established by ex-Fire Service Fire Safety Enforcement Officers with extensive hands on experience of hundreds of fire safety premises audits over the years.

This means as part of our service we can:

  • Identify the fire risks that could threaten your premises you and your employees.

  • Offer cost effective solutions, to remove or mitigate those risks.

  • Meet the enforcing bodies on your behalf to enable your business to comply.

Northern England Fire Risk Assessments

Fire Risk Assessments and Fire Safety Training delivered by a competent and qualified Assessor.

If someone is injured in a fire in your premises, just ask yourself, “Where would that leave me?” In these litigious days, it is not worth leaving yourself exposed to blame or liability.

The first step to reducing fire hazards to a reasonable level – and complying with current legal requirements – is a Fire Risk Assessment.

Your Fire Risk Assessment will address:

  • Management of fire safety in your premises

  • Sources of ignition and the potential for fire spread

  • The fire precautions in your premises

  • Maintenance of fire precautions in your premises

  • Additionally, goodwill observations that may arise in respect of property protection: issues where the property can be better protected from fire, not necessarily to reduce a significant risk to persons in the premises.

What is a fire risk assessment?

A Fire Risk Assessment is a systematic identification of all fire related hazards within the premises and is designed to analyse how those hazards may adversely affect the building and its occupants. It should identify the level of risk that those hazards may present and also identify suitable control measures for any significant findings. As part of the assessment, an action plan should be formulated with reasonable timescales assigned for the implementation of any necessary remedial action.

Do I need a fire risk assessment for my building?

If you are the responsible person, then you must arrange for a competent person to carry out a fire risk assessment on your behalf. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which came into force on 1st October 2006, requires that all buildings (other than single domestic dwellings) should have an assessment carried out and all significant findings should be recorded. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 replaced all existing fire safety legislation and now, even if you have a Fire Certificate that was previously issued for the building, by the Fire Service, you will still need to ensure an assessment is carried out. In many cases the Fire Certificate can act as a basis for this assessment.

Who should carry out the fire risk assessment?

Somebody with an appropriate level of knowledge and experience regarding the legislation, fire safety standards to be applied and the principles of risk assessment should undertake the assessment. This person must be able to make appropriate judgements regarding fire risk and recommend suitable measures to eliminate, or manage these risks. This person is known as the ‘Competent Person’ and in most cases this will be a fire safety professional.

What should the fire risk assessment cover?

The fire risk assessment should identify any/all threats to the safety of the building and its occupants from fire. In practical terms this would include assessment of the following areas:

  1. Ignition Sources

  2. Combustibles

  3. Premises Layout and Construction

  4. People at Risk

  5. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

  6. Fire Fighting Provision

  7. Escape Facilities

  8. Fire Safety Signage

  9. Emergency Lighting

  10. Fire Emergency Plan

  11. Training

  12. Testing and Maintenance of Fire Safety Systems

  13. Record Keeping Arrangements

What happens once the fire risk assessment is completed?

Once the assessment is complete, any ‘Significant Findings’ must be recorded in writing and any/all persons who may be affected by the assessment should be informed accordingly. In addition, an action plan should be formulated with regard to the implementation of any necessary remedial action. The action plan should specify exactly what is to be achieved, by whom and in what timescales. The action plan should be continually kept up to date and should provide a full audit trail facility for management and Enforcing Authorities.

When should the fire risk assessment be reviewed?

The assessment should be reviewed ‘Whenever it is considered to be no longer valid’. In practical terms this means following any significant change to the occupancy, or layout of the building, following any fire related incident, or near miss, or at periodic intervals as stated within the assessment (generally considered to be 12 monthly, for normal risk buildings).

What will happen if I don’t carry out the fire risk assessment?

The main risk with not carrying out a fire assessment is that you will be unaware of any fire related hazards that could affect the safety of the occupants of the building and any potential threat to the continued operation of your business. This could result in serious injury, death and/or significant financial loss. In addition it is a legal requirement to carry out and manage the fire assessment and failure could lead to enforcement action being taken against the ‘Responsible Person’.

In the UK it is a legal requirement to carry out a fire risk assessment in almost all workplaces or where members of the public have access although in practice we know that a lot of business owners and building managers are uncertain about this issue. To help solve the problem we have given a short guide below but If you have any further questions please contact us.


Wyvern – Fire Risk Assessment Manchester

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